Daniel Olson, hypnotist, author, trainer, consultant Trance-form yourself.

Abbreviations make me curious…What is NLP all about?

NLP is short for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This "programming" is a set of communication and thinking skills used by people all over the world.

In 1975, a mathematician and a linguist asked a very powerful question. He wondered if you could study people with a very highly developed skill and discover a way to transfer that skill to others. As Richard Bandler and John Grinder explored this question, they developed NLP. Their earliest models of excellence were hypnotist Milton Erickson, family therapist Virginia Satir, and Gestalt therapist Fritz Perls. Bandler and Grinder found that genius is transportable -- they were able to teach others to be as highly effective as these models.

They named their techniques Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to the brain and nervous system, which is powered by sensory input -- what we see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Linguistic refers to language, the "packaging" for our thoughts. Programming is the arrangement and sequencing of data.

This excavation of excellence continues today, and now you can be a part of it through NLP coaching, training, home study courses and certification classes.

What makes NLP worth learning?

Three of the greatest challenges of being human are:
  •  Understanding ourselves
  •  Understanding others
  •  Making ourselves understood by others.
NLP will give you techniques to help you to access all of your resources, any time you need them, and develop understanding and rapport with others. NIP techniques work in harmony with your own beliefs and preferences and give you powerful tools to change your behavior. Come to you senses and know your own mind!

Awareness of how you use your senses is at the heart of NLP. Every person has representational systems -- patterns they use to take in data, give it meaning, and recall information. All people take in information through the senses. What you may not know consciously is that you prefer one set of sensory input over the others. (This doesn't mean you don't use your other senses too -- but one sense is probably your "lead.")

Visual people mentally create pictures and store and retrieve information as pictures.

Auditory people enjoy constant internal monologues -- they learn and access information by sound.
Kinesthetic people feel (by touching and through emotions) and store and retrieve information that way.

These are the most common preferences, or in NLP-speak, "modalities".

We reveal our preferences by our choice of language, how quickly we speak, the voice range/tone, the location of the breathing (high in the chest vs. low in the chest) and the movement of our eyes.

NLP Made Easy Home Study Course
4 Tape Set

NLP Communication Model

This now famous model of communication, what is it all about and why is it giving you information that is not generally well known. Is this seminar an unfair advantage?

Learn what NLP is all about. What makes NLP worth learning for you?
How you can go from your present State to your desired State. Why is the non-verbal (93%) as important if not more important than the Verbal part of us (7%).

Rapport - build trust and credibility instantly with anyone.

You will learn to develop faster ways of gaining instant rapport with your friends, family & anyone you are communicating with. We will cover the following: breathing, predicates, key words, eye blinks, posture, head tilt, rhythms, pet words and more. Come to your senses and know your own mind. What are Representations systems and why are they so vitally important to us in our everyday communications with others? How to ask the right questions and more importantly expect and get high quality answers.

Eye Patterns

You will learn to detect subtle eye movements of people. This will allow you to detect whether the person you are talking to is telling you the truth. Become a human lie detector.

Sensory Acuity

What would it be like to know exactly how people think? Because you will be able to use your eyes & ears to detect, without guessing anymore, the way in which people think and why they think that way!

Plus much more… $97 Buy the NLP Made Easy Home Study Course now!
©2001 Daniel Olson

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