Orlando Hypnosis Center Weight Loss Reviews

Weight Loss Reviews

“When I left your office I felt overjoyed and optimistic. You removed my hopelessness and given me hope about my weight loss. I have subsequently lost 5 lbs in a week and have no desire for sweets”.
Marcia- Orlando, Florida

“I have lost 26 lb in 5 months and it has been easy. I am not dieting. I have changed my life choises.”
O.W. – Germantown, Tn

“I have lost 9 lbs. in 4 weeks which is in line with goal of 2lbs per week…overall very pleased & would recomend highly.”
Scott – Orlando, Fl

“Dear Mr. Olson,
Thank you so much for all of your help. I have finally lost weight and have kept it off! My motivation is high and my desire to eat junk food is almost gone. If I do have dessert, I am satisfied with just a few bites, instead of the whole dessert. You are a miracle worker.”
Caterina – Orlando

I modified my eating habits for the first time in my life!”
Palm Bay, Fl

“I lost 14 pounds in 3 wks! And it was easy. It’s amazine how little food it takes to make you full as compared to what I used to eat! Has been a great Lifestyle change!”
Linda – Orlando

“In 3 weeks I”ve lost 5 lbs. I”m sleeping better and I like the stress reduction hypnosis cd in the afternoon. I feel very refreshed afterwords”.
Windy – Deltona, Fl

“I did really well with food control…
T- Orlando, Fl

“I have lost 5 pounds…
Janet – Leesburg, Fl

I managed my eating habits for the first time in my life!”
Leslie – Palm Bay, Florida

“I’ve noticed a loss of weight 8lbs. Its only been a few weeks – but most important is my outlook, feeling that I”m back in control of not only my weight but my whole well being.”
Nancy – Clermont, Florida

“I have lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks. I have cut back from 10 soft drinks a day to about 1 a day.”
John – Orlando, Florida

“The best thing I ever did to help myself. I don’t know how much weight I’ve lost but I know my eating habits have changed too!”
Helen – Lake Mary, Florida


Tap into 30+ years of experience and contact Daniel Olson to schedule your free consultation today.


Orlando Hypnosis Center
1440 Lake Baldwin Ln Orlando, FL 32814
(407) 740-6090

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